2016 /中国大陆
导演: 刘毅
剧情简介 : 此作品是刘毅于2015年从印度旅行回来后以旅行日志的方式,历时一年完成的。现实与手绘动画相结合的纪录片形式记录了她在印度的旅行。作品里时间的穿梭是刘毅对印度的爱与思想、情感与日常状态的思考,欲望与死亡的经历。 The work which took close to a year to complete in the form of a travel journal, after Liu Yi returned from the trip to India in 2015. This creative documentary in a combination of live action and animation records her trip in India.The time travel in the work reflects Liu Y...