2007 /爱尔兰 /剧情 /88分钟
主演: ColmMeaney DonalO'Kelly BrendanConroy DonnchaCrowley BarryBarnes SeánTarpaigh PeadarO'Treasaigh SeánT.Meallaigh ChristopherGreene GrahamFeeley RonanMoloney SimonDrislane DarraghO'Brien GabrielleReidy CathyMurphy 克里斯托弗·福什 Donal O'Kelly Christopher Greene Brendan Conroy 凯茜·墨菲 肖恩·T·O·米尔莱 爱德华·M·克拉汉 科尔姆·米尼
导演: Tom Collins
上映时间: 2007-05-20
剧情简介 : Home > Program > World Cinema Kings United Kingdom, Ireland 2007 88min HD COLOR Tom COLLINS Code Theater Date Info Ticket 184 Megabox 2 6 10:30 184 159 Megabox 1 8 10:00 159 “This is a film about identity, humanity and living in a foreign place. It concerns men and their need to belong. Some of us turn a blind eye to the truth so that we belong to a group, either a group o...