2016 /法国 /喜剧 剧情 /82分钟
主演: DanielVannet RomainLéger 诺埃米·洛夫斯基 RobertFollet GenevièvePlet EricJacquet Kiki LéaViller AlexandreJacques CécileLefranois BrunoDelaporte MichèleSevestre ChristineHelbaume Daniel Vannet Romain Léger Robert Follet Geneviève Plet Eric Jacquet Léa Viller Alexandre Jacques Cécile Lefranois
导演: 卢多维克·布克尔玛 佐然·布克尔玛 Marielle Gautier Hugo P. Thomas
上映时间: 2016-05-16
剧情简介 : When his twin brother dies, Willy, 50, finally decides to leave his parents' home. He moves to a small nearby town to start afresh. In Caudebec I'll live. An apartment, I'll have one. And friends too. And you can all go to hell! Though a misfit, Willy tries to find his place in a world unknown.